Sunday, October 9, 2022

Chief Black Hawk's Bones Stolen (1840)

Chief Black Hawk

Special from the Wisconsin Express. March 7, 1840.

“The son of Black Hawk reported that the whites had stolen the bones of his father and requested the governor to try and find out where they were and restore them to him, as they were sacred to the nation. The governor said he would, and if the offender could be found, he should be punished by the laws of the land.”

The same paper reported that the Sac and Fox were unhappy with the distribution of their annuities, especially how they were paid. They had been “paid to the ‘money chiefs,’ who spent it and left none to be distributed to the nation, causing their wives and children to suffer for food and clothing.”

Since Keokuk was made chief, he kept a large bodyguard of warriors “on whom he bestowed many favors, keeping them dressed in good style at the expense of the nation.”

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