Friday, October 7, 2022

Theodore Roosevelt Visits Davenport Author Alice French (1910)


Davenport author, Alice French, entertained former President Theodore Roosevelt at her home on November 4, 1910. 

 The table decorations were “unique,” reported The Daily Times, and “represent a jungle in which the huge form of an elephant in bronze was a reminder of the recent hunt in the African wilds.” The breakfast began with grapefruit “Teddy de Rose,” a unique concoction that Alice whipped up for the occasion. After that, she served freshly caught trout and assorted game that appealed to the former president’s outdoorsy nature.  


When he finished his meal, Roosevelt greeted a bevy of children from the Ida Institute who had gathered on French’s veranda. Then he went to Central Park, where he delivered a political speech, endorsing congressional candidate Charles Grilk. Unfortunately, none of the papers bothered to record Roosevelt’s speech. They were just excited to have him in town. 

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